Assistant Professor
John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
Faculty of Information
University of Toronto
Email: nusrat.mim [at] daniles [dot] utoronto [dot] ca
Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar
Nusrat Jahan Mim
Mim, Nusrat Jahan, and Rahul Mehrotra. “Creative Displacements: Urban Bazaar, Online Business, and Gender-based Spatial Subjugation in Urban Bangladesh” Displaced Urbanism, 1st ed., Routledge (forthcoming).
Mim, Nusrat Jahan. “Resilience at the Seams.” Resilient Urbanism, 1st ed., Edited by Gihan Karunaratne, Routledge (forthcoming)
Mim, Nusrat Jahan, Dipannita Nandi, Sadaf Sumyia Khan, Arundhuti Dey, and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. “In-Between Visuals and Visible: The Impacts of Text-to-Image Generative AI Tools on Digital Image-making Practices in the Global South.” In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2024 [PDF]
Saha, Pratyasha, Nadira Nadira Nowsher, Ayien Utshob Baidya, Nusrat Jahan Mim, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, and S M Taiabul Haque. “Computing and the Stigmatized: Trust, Surveillance, and Space Politics with the Sex Workers in Bangladesh.” In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2024 [PDF]
Best Paper
Mim, Nusrat Jahan, Rahul Mehrotra. “The Ephemeral as an Instrument of Urban Design and Planning.” In Book Informal Settlement in the Global South, edited by Gihan Karunaratne. (June 2023]
Bhúmi, The Planning Research Journal
Mou, Mayisha Tahsin, Md Mahmudur Rahman, and Nusrat Jahan Mim. "Non-Linear Migrations and Urban Resilience." Bhúmi, The Planning Research Journal Vol.10, Issue.01:6-15, June 2023. [PDF]
Mim, Nusrat Jahan, Dipannita Nandi, Sadaf Sumyia Khan, and Arundhuti Dey. “F-commerce and Urban Modernities: The Changing Terrain of Housing Design in Bangladesh.” In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022. [PDF]
Mim, Nusrat Jahan, and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. “Faith, Modernity, and Urban Computing.” Integrating Faith, Religion, and Spirituality in HCI Workshop at ACM CHI Conference On Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022)
Nusrat Jahan Mim and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. "Faith, Modernity, and Urban Computing." ACM Interactions, 2022. [LINK]
Mohammad Rashidujjaman Rifat, Firaz Ahmed Peer, Hawra Rabaan, Nusrat Jahan Mim, Maryam Mustafa, Kentaro Toyama, Robert B. Markum, Elizabeth Buie, Jessica Hammer, Sharifa Sultana, Samar Sabie, and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. 2022. Integrating Religion, Faith, and Spirituality in HCI. In Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 96, 1–6. [LINK]
Mim, Nusrat Jahan. “Gospels of Modernity: Digital Cattle Markets, Urban Religiosity, and Secular Computing in the Global South.” In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021, [PDF]
Best Paper Honorable Mention
Safir, Abdullah, Nusrat Jahan Mim, S.Haque, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. "Designing with the Internally Displaced Slum Dwellers in Bangladesh." ACM Interactions, 2021. [PDF]
Bonik Barta
Nusrat Jahan Mim "Social Media is bringing changes in spatial arrangements." Bonik Barta, Oct 24, 2021. [PDF]
Mim, Nusrat Jahan and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. “Others’ Images: Online Social Media, Architectural Improvisations, and Spatial Marginalization in Bangladesh.” In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020. [PDF]
Best Paper Honorable Mention
Religions Journal
Mim, Nusrat Jahan. "Religion at the Margins: Resistance to Secular Humanitarianism at the Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh." Religions 11, no. 8 (2020): 423. [Link]
S.ARCH 2020
Dey, Arundhuti, Najmush Shaker, Nusrat Jahan Mim. “Pather Panchali: Diversity and Inclusion in Designing Sidewalks in Dhaka, Bangladesh” In Proceedings of S.ARCH 2020: 7th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment. [PDF]
Islamic HCI
Mim, Nusrat Jahan and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. “Online Social Media, Image Culture, and Marginalization of Muslim Women.” Islamic HCI Workshop at ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020. [PDF]
Prothom Alo
Mim, Nusrat Jahan “COVID-19, City, and Religion.” Published on May 5, 2020. [Link]
Rohanifar, Yasaman, Mohammad Rashidujjaman Rifat, Nusrat Jahan Mim, and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. "Ambivalence: Simultaneous Tactile Experiences of Using and Recycling Smartphones." In Companion Publication of 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019 Companion, pp. 53-56. 2019. [PDF]
Mim, Nusrat Jahan, "Subaltern Virtuality: Virtual Hegemony and Domestic Architecture in Postcolonial World" (2018). Architecture Senior Theses. 431. [Link]
Citation for Excellence
Journal of Peer Production
Ames, Morgan G., Silvia Lindtner, Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey Bardzell, Lilly Nguyen, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Nusrat Jahan Mim, Steven J. Jackson, and Paul Dourish. "Making or Making Do? Challenging the Mythologies of Making and Hacking." Journal of Peer Production, no. 12, 2018. [Link]
Ahmed, Syed Ishtiaque, Nusrat Jahan Mim, and Steven J. Jackson. "Residual mobilities: infrastructural displacement and post-colonial computing in Bangladesh." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 437-446. 2015. [PDF]
Ghafur, Shayer, Labib Hossain, Samia Sharmin, and Nusrat Jahan Mim. "Prospect of an Ecosophic Project for Gram-Bangla’s Transformation in an Emerging Urban: Reflections on Compact Townships." Forest 12, no. 9.02: 9-84, 2015. [Link]
Selected Media and Press Appearances

Op-ed on Social Media and changes in Architectural Spaces

Op-ed on COVID 19, City, and Religion

Winning Project, Platform of Motion, featured in Laka Perspective Volume 2, Laka Foundation

Winning Project, Platform of Motion, featured on ArchDaily

Graduation Project featured in Archiprix Book 2015, p. 50-51

National Student Design Award news coverage in Bandhan Bangladesh Magazine of sustainable construction, 35th issue, p. 31-34

International Student Design Award news coverage in Bandhan Bangladesh Magazine of sustainable construction, 24th Issue, p. 44-45

Adaptable Portable Dwelling Unit for Urban Poor, featured on Archdaily